The question that caused an online debate on the internet: If you were to be alone in a forest, would you rather be stuck with a man, or a bear?
The hypothetical scenario started conversations on the internet about the uncomfortable reality of women simply existing in today’s world. Of course, the “not all men” people quickly came on to defend their egos since they were shattered by the fact that women chose a bear over them. So, that’s how the debate really started.
The fact is, that if majority of women are outrightly saying that they would rather feel unsafe in the presence of a man than a bear, it’s the truth. It’s a truth that some people just don’t want to admit because admitting it would mean having to change. So, women’s responses were brushed off as just women trying to be trendy and “woke”. It brought up another conversation – is feminism just about hating men? The way women’s responses to this question got so twisted, really shows us where we are as a society.
This question should bring attention to the reason why more women chose the bear rather than the fact that not all men have malicious intent. While it’s true that not all men are rapists and abusers, it shouldn’t be the focus. I think that the only takeaway from the fact that majority of women would rather be with a bear than a man is that our society is f**ked up. To put it into perspective further, this feeling of fear being alone with a man doesn’t just apply to being in a forest. It could be on the street, in an alleyway, in the subway, in your own home, etc. When this feeling of fear among women is normalized, nobody will care to bat an eyelid. A conversation like the man or bear debate on social media gives women a platform to tell their stories, like the #MeToo movement did. At least, that’s how it should be.
To conclude, who would I rather be in a forest with? I think that we should just all collectively agree to listen to women when it comes to a woman’s issue. I think we should all try to understand rather than try to prove them wrong. If we continue as a society to try to silence women when they voice their opinions and stories, then we will never be able to make our world a safe place for women and for everyone.
- Lenina Subhas