Its crazy to see all of you be completely silent about a genocide because you ”aren’t political”, but suddenly have so much to say now that your beloved Harris has lost.
Before I begin, let me put this out there as a disclaimer. I do not like either Trump or Harris. I personally, if I could vote, would vote for a third-party candidate such as Jill Stein, Claudia, de la Cruz or Cornell West. Now I know that anger some of you because you believe that that votes for third-party candidates don’t matter and they make it easier for Trump to win. So lets first talk about that: why would anybody vote for a third-party candidate?
Third Party
There are many reasons why one would vote for a third party candidate. Some people wouldn’t be able to vote for someone who is a genocide, enabler, racist, sexist, homophobic, zionist (zio-nazi if you will), imperialist, fascist, etc.. I’m sure you know what else I could write. But anyways, that’s one reason. Pure conscience. Another reason is that people vote for what they believe in. Some people actually vote for someone who has the same views and hopes for the future. Sometimes a third-party candidate does that for them. Mind blowing. Here’s an example: if you are against genocide, you don’t vote for someone who is literally causing a genocide. Another reason, cause I’m sure a lot of you’re still not convinced, is that both Harris and Trump are really not that different. This can also be said for the entire Democratic and Republican Party. Try to call the Democratic Party “left” as much as you want, but really if we’re being honest here, they’re not. Both Trump and Harris have very similar stances on too many issues. This includes Palestine, but also immigration, military bases in foreign nation, such as Cuba, healthcare, policing, etcetera, etcetera. This is why it’s funny to see all you liberals who HATE Trump with all your gut vote for Harris who clearly agrees with him on numerous levels.
Let us also touch on the “You guys are the reason Trump won!!” claim. So .4% of voters voted for Jill Stein and not a single electoral vote. Still, she won 698,980 votes from the people. Thats a lot, at least to me. Round of applause. Now that we got that out of the way, let’s talk about our primaries! Harris got 226 electoral votes. By the people she got 70,964,692 votes. Trump got 312 electoral votes with 74,686,551 votes. Yeah, no way you guys are blaming third party voters for your insane loss. Like come on, let’s go to the root of the problem. 74.7 MILLION people voted for Trump. Thats where the problem lies. Racism is so rampant in this country that 74.7 million people voted for Trump.
I mean, are we even looking at the same map? Majority of the country voted for Trump. To blame .4% of voters for this loss is just crazy. Also, I know I should probably put this in the Hypocrisy section of the article, but I might as well mention it now. It’s really crazy to see Liberals true colors come out. I’m sure you know what I’m taking about. The infamous meme tweets writing “me watching you latinos that voted for trump get deported” and then the image is of some show with a rich person drinking tea and looking out the window (or something like that). Haha, that’s what we have been saying all along. Liberals scratched.
I never realized how selfish some of you were until this election. It’s all about women’s rights and abortion which is crazy because you are also the bunch that couldn’t give a fuck less about palestinian women. Instead, you were all so ready to vote for someone who has been directly funding and supporting the military that is raping palestinian women and men on the regular just because she has promised to protect your rights.
Let me also put it this way: if the Democratic Party REALLY cared about abortion and LGBTQ+ rights, they would’ve done everything in their power their power to win votes. Protesters for the past year and even before that have been telling the Democrats the EXACT way to win their votes: end the genocide and call for an arms embargo. But no, they care more about killing brown kids.
I’m seeing people post something political on their story or page for the first time to show their support for Harris. All of your graphics and big statements apologizing this generation of women who will have to suffer under Trump. The craziest ones to me went “Not all Trump supporters are rapists, but they decided that wasn’t a dealbreaker” and then there were more with racist, homophobic, etc. It’s funny to me because I swear I’ve seen graphic with the same format about something else. Oh right! Palestine. You know, genocide isn’t exclusively for the democrats, you can use that for your Trump graphics too But no, you can’t, because you can say the same thing for Trump. It’s especially crazy to see people call Trump a felon, which he is, but not using the words war criminal. That sounds pretty bad. As someone who hates Trump, why don’t we see that next his name? Right, because again, it can work for Harris too.
Remember, Roe v Wade was overturned under the Biden administration, if any of you really care. Access to healthcare for Trans people and for all is insanely hard because healthcare is still not free, again, still under the Biden administration. And sorry, but I just have to mention this, are we not gonna talk about how Biden got the nickname of “Creepy Joe” because of how he has had a history of sniffing little girls hair and just saying weird things to them ON TELEVISION? Like no shame at all? And then we have Harris who originally promised to roll with the same plans as Biden and was his number one supporter. Right….
Finally, to end this hypocrisy section of the article, let’s talk about Michigan. Michigan, which has a large population of Muslim voters, led the uncommitted movement. This movement was in response to both primary candidates refusing to end the Palestinian genocide. When Harris came to Michigan to campaign, she promised Muslim voters that if she is elected, she will do whatever she can to end the “war”. Right after in Pennsylvania, she promised her voters she will always stand for Israels right to “self defense”. So basically, genocide and apartheid and ethnic cleansing and colonialism. You’re telling me she’s trustworthy? She has been VP for 4 years now, continuously meeting with Netanyahu, continuing to fund the genocide, publicly denouncing protesters, allowing the police to teargas students in universities, and ignoring the peoples will completely because she was speaking. As someone who is running for office, it is literally your job to appeal to the masses. She cared more about appealing to the zio-nazi monsters than her own COLORED voters. Yeah, so much for caring about colored people.
AIPAC, American Israel Public Affairs Committee. To put it into simple terms, AIPAC buys our politicians to fund and work with Israel. This includes Harris who, as of June 2024, has been paid $183,513 from The Israel Lobby for campaign funds according to AIPAC Xposed. Those paid by AIPAC get paid A LOT. And in this society, a LOT of politicians are bought by AIPAC. If you are really interested in knowing who your sell-out politicians are, check out Code Pink (Instagram).
I’ll be honest, this article is shorter than I would’ve liked it to be. Honestly, it’s a little rushed. In COMPLETE honesty, I just wanted to put something together because I’ve had enough people dm on instagram about this topic. So, here you go! Anyways, I’ll write more about these AIPAC bought zio-nazis another time because, why not.